Terms and Condition
1. The CLUB shall mean and include the facilities as defined under definition ”Club Premises”
2. Categories of Membership: The following types of memberships are available :
Type of Membership
Term (In Year)*
*Term of membership for resident member shall deemed to have commenced on and from the date of commencement of operation of the club.
In other cases it will deem to have commenced from date of joining. All type of Membership will get expired as on completion of the term or 31st March, 2040 – which ever is earlier.
2.1 “Resident” members are individuals / corporates who are owners of flats in Luxury complex at the Upohar- The Condoville. They can avail Resident Membership.
2.2 “Individual” members comprises of individuals who are not owners of flats at the Upohar- The Condoville. They can avail Individual Memberships.
2.3 “Corporate” members comprises of companies who are interested in taking corporate membership They can avail Corporate Memberships.
2.4 Additional Category of Members: Additional membership categories may be introduced from time to time, on such term and conditions and on payment of such joining fees and annual subscription, as may be decided by the management of the Club.
3. Admission of Members
3.1 Any candidate desirous to become a member shall make an application in the prescribed for providing the necessary details.
3.2 By applying for membership in the prescribed form, the applicant shall deemed to have understood the Terms and Conditions governing his/her/its admission as a member of the Club and shall deemed to have given his/her/its unconditional acceptance of the same. Also the acceptance of future amendments to the terms and conditions governing his/her/its membership. However receipt of the membership application form does not comprise as acceptance of the membership.
3.3 The Club Management, at their absolute discretion, may accept or reject an application for membership. In case an applicant is admitted as a member, the Club Management would notify about the confirmation of such admission in writing to the applicant. The issuance of membership Card in the member’s name shall constitute acceptance by the Club of his/her/its application for membership and shall entitle charges as may be prescribed from time to time. The membership card must be presented on demand for use of the Club’s facilities. The Club reserves its absolute right to amend or alter its scale of fees & other charges or any of the terms and conditions which the members shall be required to abide.
3.4 A candidate shall be admitted as a member of the Club, and allowed to utilize the privileges of membership only after he/she/it has paid in full all applicable fees, deposits or subscriptions.
3.5 A corporate member shall be required to nominate person(s) as nominee as per the terms of membership. Only the nominee shall be entitled to use and enjoy the facilities of the Club.
3.6 A corporate member shall be entitled to substitute one nominee by another on payment of processing fees as decided by the Club management from time to time. Presently processing fee for change in nomination is as follows. Change of nomination may be done only once in a year.
Type of Membership *Processing /Alteration Fees for Change of Nominee
Corporate /Resident Corporate Rs. 5.000/-
*Plus applicable GST
4. Joining Fee and Annual Subscription:
4.1 Joining Fees: The Joining fees and Annual subscription payable currently on admission are as follows :
Type of Membership
Term (In Year)
Joining Fees*
Annual Subscription*
Corporate (Addl. Nominee)
*Plus applicable GST
4.1.1 The Joining Fees stated above is subject to revision from time to time.
4.1.2 The Joining Fees is a one time non-refundable fee. 40% of such joining fees is towards admission fees and remaining 60% is towards the rights of utilization of club facilities over the period of membership, subject to other terms and conditions of the membership.
4.1.3 In case of earlier resignation from or termination of membership on any grounds whatsoever, the Joining Fees collected by the Club, will not be refunded. Members shall be liable to pay their dues together with interest on the dues as per the applicable Club rules and regulations.
4.2 Annual Subscription: All members are required to pay an annual subscription to the Club as prescribed by the Club management. The Current subscription charges payable with effect from 1st April 2011 are as per clause 4.1
4.2.1 The Annual subscriptions (other than the first Annual subscription) of all members shall become payable on or before 1st April in each year automatically. Failure to pay the annual subscription within the due date will result in suspension of membership facilities. Membership privileges cannot be the defaulting members.
4.3 The Club Year shall run from 1st April to 31st March each year. All members are required to pay the annual subscription regardless of whether they use the club facilities or not. A member shall not be entitled to any rebate, or discount or refund of annual subscription.
4.4 A new member being admitted between 1st April lo 30th September shall be, liable to pay the full annual subscription and those admitted between 1st October to 31st March shall pay 50% of the applicable annual subscription on admission.
4.5 Any member wishing to withdraw from the membership of the Club must send his resignation in writing to the Club Management. A member, who on or before the first day of April of any Club Year gives notice of his/her/its intention to terminate membership of the Club shall not be liable to pay the advance annual subscription for the next club year. If intimation of such resignation is received after 1st April, full year annual subscription will be charged to such member.
4.6 Should any questions or disputes arise as to the amount of the subscription or amount mentioned in any Bill for supplies payable by any member, or as to the rights of any member in respect of any subscription or Bill amount paid by him/her/them or as to the right of any member to receive any refund claimed by him, such questions or disputes shall be settled by the Club Management, and shall be disposed of by them in such manner as they may deem appropriate, no with-standing anything contained in the foregoing rules. Such decision of the Club Management shall be final and binding upon the members.
4.7 The membership card is not a credit card and will not entitle the member to any credit facility at the Club He/she/it may settle the bill either by payment through authorized credit card or in cash. The Club may in due course come out with a joint credit facility with some bank or credit card in situation for which, as and when it is finalized, a scheme will be circulated.
5. Dues: Members who have been extended credit facility (on approval from the club management) are required to clear their bills within 30 (thirty) days of the presentation. Failure to pay the bills in time will attract interest @ 2% (two per cent) per month payable after the expiry of 30 (thirty) days from the date of presentation of the Bill to the date of payment of the dues. Billing dues may be adjusted against any kind of deposits held by the Club.
5.1 Members whose subscriptions or any other bills are in arrears shall be sent a notice as to their arrears by registered post to the last known address of each member named therein. If the arrears are not paid within 30 days from the date of notice, the membership of such member shall stand suspended. In case the suspended member pays up all his/her/its outstanding due together with interest @ 2% per month or part thereof payable from the expiry of 30 days from presentation of Bills, up to the date of payment, his/her/its suspension may be revoked by the Club Management at their absolute discretion and he/she/it shall continue to be a member. In case he/she/it does not pay up the outstanding amount within the time and in the manner mentioned above, his/her membership shall stand cancelled.
5.2 A suspended member shall not be allowed to use the Club facilities in the capacity of a member.
6. Transfer of Membership: Membership is not transferable. However, at the time of admission, an individual may nominate a person from family (Spouse or Children above 18 yrs.) and in case of death or permanent disability of any individual member, the nominee as declared by the member would be eligible to apply for the transfer of membership subject to the approval of the Club Management. The term of the membership would be valid till the expiry of the original membership term. However, as long as the primary member is using the privileges and facilities, the nominee can use the Club only as a guest of the member.
In case of Corporate Membership, nomination can be changed on the basis of letter issued by the authorized signatory of the corporate company to the Club Management and in such case, change of nominees can be done on payment of necessary charges.
If a Resident member sells his flat but wishes to continue his membership with the club may opt for individual or Corporate Membership as applicable. However his membership period will be for the unexpired term and no additional joining fee will be required to be paid by the said member. The new resident of the property will be required to apply a fresh application if he /she/it wants to become a member of the club.
If a Resident member sells his flat and wishes to transfer his/her/ membership with the club to the new resident (buyer of his property),he/she/it may do so by submitting a letter for surrender of his/her/its membership with a request of transfer and a duly filled application form by the new resident for allotment of the membership. However, the transfer of membership will be subject to approval of the Club management. The term of the membership would be valid till the expiry of the original membership term. For the transfer of the membership nominee, an alteration fee has to be paid as applicable.
7. Termination of Membership:
7.1 A member ceases to be a member of the Club if his/she it –
7.1.1 is declared insolvent or
7.1.2 is dismissed from the public service, or is a subject or Citizen of a country at war with the Union of India, or
7.1.3 is found guilty by a competent tribunal of a criminal offense involving in the opinion of the management gross misconduct, or
7.1.4 is found to carry on any business or activity, which would be construed as illegal, defamatory, immoral or uses the address of the club whether directly or indirectly for any such purpose or purposes he/ she/it shall cease to be a member.
7.2 If at anytime the Club Management is of the opinion, after due inquiry, that any member is guilty of unruly or disorderly conduct or conduct which is likely to bring disrespect to the Club or has infringed the Rules or Regulations of the Club in a manner that is detrimental to the interests of the Club, The Club Management may expel such member and from the date of such expulsion such person shall cease to be amember of the Club.
8. Bar: Any liquor supplied in the Bars or elsewhere in the Club must be consumed by the time fixed for closing of Bar under the Excise Rules.
8.1 No person below 18 years of age will be served alcoholic beverages.
8.2 Only Club members and their guests may avail themselves of the facility at the Bars.
8.3 All alcoholic beverages served by the Club are meant for consumption within the premises of the Club only
9. Guests:
9.1 Apart from the member and his family members (member’s spouse and children below 18 years as on 1st April of club year) all people accompanying them would be treated as member’s guests, and would be subjected to charges levied by the management of the Club. Such charges are subject to change and the members would be duly notified regarding the same. Guest must be accompanied by the member or family member.
9.2 Members in every case shall be responsible for observance by their guests of the decorum and rules of the Club.
10. Club Property:
10.1 The members of the Club do not have any right on the property of the Club. The Joining Fees that they pay is only to secure right of usage of the Club facilities as mentioned herein during the term of membership.
10.2 The member shall fully indemnify the Club against any expenses, cost, claims, damages or penalties incurred by the club, however occasioned, including through defamation of third parties arising out of any of his/her/its/guests’ actions or deeds.
10.3 Member shall not advertise the Club and its address without obtaining the prior consent of the Club Management.
Other Points:
11. While every effort shall be made to ensure a high standard of efficiency and accuracy, the liability of the Club and its employees for any omission, delay, neglect or inaccuracy or otherwise ,howsoever, occasioned shall be limited to Rs. 50/- without affecting in any manner the liability of the member to pay for the services availed of.
12. Suggestions and Complaints shall be made to the management in writing.
13. The club timings shall be notified from time to time on the Club Notice Board and club website. The staff will not be requested to remain beyond the scheduled hours nor will the Club or any part of it be kept open beyond the operating hours.
14. If, in the unlikely event the club management decides to close down the Club operations for any reasons whatsoever, then the club management will return the part of joining fee as stated below If closure happens within 3 years/5 Years/10 years from the date of admission of the member, the amount refunded will be 75%/50%/35% respectively of the Joining Fees paid. In case such closure happens beyond a period of 10 years from the date of admission of the member, nothing will be payable to him/her/them.
15. As regards interpretation of these rules, the decision of the Management shall be final and binding on all concerned.
16. In addition to the Terms and Conditions for membership, the Management will be entitled to formulate Rules and Regulation for usage of the club which shall be subject to modification from time to time including the charges. This is at the sole discretion of the management of the club, as it considers appropriate for viable running of the facilities. A copy of such Rules and Regulations shall be supplied to each member. All disputes and differences are subject to the courts having Jurisdiction at Kolkata. The member shall be liable to pay the cost of collection of dues, legal expenses, decrial amount with interest in the event of legal action.
17. All payments to be made by A/c Payee Cheque and drawn in favor of “Choicest Enterises Limited”
18. The Club & its facilities are restricted for the use of Club members and their guests only and rights of admissions are reserved
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